Hello and thanks for using the Memo app. Memo app provides many features to store your any type of information. Memo app is very user friendly, quick and reliable. It is packaged with following features:
Type of Notes: Three types of notes you can store inside app:
1. Text based notes
2. Images
3. Canvas, where you can draw anything in the note.
Archive/Unarchive Notes: Simple swipe left-right to archive or unarchive your notes. Archive won't delete your note copy in device, it will be temporary deleted which can be restored anytime from Archive Screen. This feature is useful when you want to temporary archive any notes without deleting it.
Fingerprint Security: If your mobile phone is fingerprint capable, you can use this feature in Memo app to make your data more secure. With fingerprint, only after valid fingerprint authentication, notes will be visible to app user.
Sync: You can synchronize your device notes with your Google Drive or Dropbox account. The Sync options will help you to store your notes in cloud. So that if you switch your mobiles or you want to get back your data, you can do it easily with this feature. Please note that, retrieving data will append notes to your existing notes in device instead of overwriting your device copy. This will make sure that only user can delete any of their data.
Import/Export: There are two ways to take backup of your notes in your device.
1. Import/Export: This will take backup of your notes as CSV file. The file will be saved in your device storage. You can import the CSV file into Memo app to recover data. The imported data will be appended to your existing device notes.
2. Backup/Restore: This will take whole device copy and will store the whole database in your device storage. You can restore the same. Please note that, while restoring the data. It will overwrite the existing Memo database.
Some extra features:
- Long press notes to enable Multi-Selection option to delete or share multiple notes at once
- Create Reminders of your text notes
- Add widget to home screen. It will give you a stack of all the notes. If fingerprint is enabled, this feature won't work for security purpose.
- Share text from any other applications to Memo
- Supports native google Speech to Text feature.
- Create Tags and assign Tags to notes. Filter note by tags. Search notes.
I am the sole developer. So if you guys have any queries or feedback, please let me know. Thanks :)
Halo dan terima kasih untuk menggunakan aplikasi Memo. aplikasi Memo menyediakan banyak fitur untuk menyimpan jenis Anda setiap informasi. app Memo sangat user friendly, cepat dan dapat diandalkan. Hal ini dikemas dengan fitur berikut:
Jenis Catatan: Tiga jenis catatan Anda dapat menyimpan dalam aplikasi:
1. catatan teks berdasarkan
2. Gambar
3. Canvas, di mana Anda dapat menarik apa pun di catatan.
Arsip / Batalkan pengarsipan Catatan: Simple menggesek kiri-kanan untuk mengarsipkan atau membatalkan pengarsipan catatan Anda. Arsip tidak akan menghapus salinan catatan Anda di perangkat, itu akan bersifat sementara dihapus yang dapat dipulihkan kapan saja dari arsip Layar. Fitur ini berguna ketika Anda ingin arsip sementara catatan apapun tanpa menghapusnya.
Keamanan Sidik Jari: Jika ponsel Anda adalah sidik jari mampu, Anda dapat menggunakan fitur ini di aplikasi Memo untuk membuat data Anda lebih aman. Dengan sidik jari, hanya setelah otentikasi sidik jari valid, catatan akan terlihat aplikasi pengguna.
Sync: Anda dapat mensinkronisasi catatan perangkat Anda dengan akun Google Drive atau Dropbox Anda. Opsi Sync akan membantu Anda untuk menyimpan catatan Anda di cloud. Sehingga jika Anda beralih ponsel Anda atau Anda ingin mendapatkan kembali data Anda, Anda dapat melakukannya dengan mudah dengan fitur ini. Harap dicatat bahwa, mengambil data akan menambahkan catatan catatan yang ada di perangkat bukan menimpa salinan perangkat Anda. Ini akan memastikan bahwa hanya pengguna dapat menghapus data mereka.
Impor / Ekspor: Ada dua cara untuk mengambil cadangan dari catatan Anda di perangkat Anda.
1. Impor / Ekspor: Ini akan mengambil cadangan dari catatan Anda sebagai file CSV. File akan disimpan dalam penyimpanan perangkat Anda. Anda dapat mengimpor file CSV ke aplikasi Memo untuk memulihkan data. Data yang diimpor akan ditambahkan ke catatan perangkat yang ada.
2. Backup / Restore: Ini akan membawa seluruh salinan perangkat dan akan menyimpan seluruh database dalam penyimpanan perangkat Anda. Anda dapat mengembalikan yang sama. Harap dicatat bahwa, sementara memulihkan data. Ini akan menimpa database Memo yang ada.
Beberapa fitur tambahan:
- Tekan lama catatan untuk mengaktifkan opsi Multi-Seleksi untuk menghapus atau berbagi beberapa catatan sekaligus
- Membuat Pengingat catatan teks Anda
- Tambahkan widget ke layar awal. Ini akan memberi Anda tumpukan semua catatan. Jika sidik jari diaktifkan, fitur ini tidak akan bekerja untuk tujuan keamanan.
- Berbagi teks dari aplikasi lain untuk Memo
- Mendukung google Pidato asli fitur Text.
- Membuat Tag dan menetapkan Tags catatan. Filter catatan oleh tag. Cari catatan.
Saya satu-satunya pengembang. Jadi, jika kalian memiliki pertanyaan atau umpan balik, silakan beritahu saya. terima kasih :)
Hello and thanks for using the Memo app. Memo app provides many features to store your any type of information. Memo app is very user friendly, quick and reliable. It is packaged with following features:
Type of Notes: Three types of notes you can store inside app:
1. Text based notes
2. Images
3. Canvas, where you can draw anything in the note.
Archive/Unarchive Notes: Simple swipe left-right to archive or unarchive your notes. Archive won't delete your note copy in device, it will be temporary deleted which can be restored anytime from Archive Screen. This feature is useful when you want to temporary archive any notes without deleting it.
Fingerprint Security: If your mobile phone is fingerprint capable, you can use this feature in Memo app to make your data more secure. With fingerprint, only after valid fingerprint authentication, notes will be visible to app user.
Sync: You can synchronize your device notes with your Google Drive or Dropbox account. The Sync options will help you to store your notes in cloud. So that if you switch your mobiles or you want to get back your data, you can do it easily with this feature. Please note that, retrieving data will append notes to your existing notes in device instead of overwriting your device copy. This will make sure that only user can delete any of their data.
Import/Export: There are two ways to take backup of your notes in your device.
1. Import/Export: This will take backup of your notes as CSV file. The file will be saved in your device storage. You can import the CSV file into Memo app to recover data. The imported data will be appended to your existing device notes.
2. Backup/Restore: This will take whole device copy and will store the whole database in your device storage. You can restore the same. Please note that, while restoring the data. It will overwrite the existing Memo database.
Some extra features:
- Long press notes to enable Multi-Selection option to delete or share multiple notes at once
- Create Reminders of your text notes
- Add widget to home screen. It will give you a stack of all the notes. If fingerprint is enabled, this feature won't work for security purpose.
- Share text from any other applications to Memo
- Supports native google Speech to Text feature.
- Create Tags and assign Tags to notes. Filter note by tags. Search notes.
I am the sole developer. So if you guys have any queries or feedback, please let me know. Thanks :)